Grateful Human

Long Walks and Gratitude Muscles: Ally, Ella, and Michael

Episode Summary

When life hands you uncertainty, how do you flex your gratitude muscles? Join us in this conversation with some of the best and brightest at the University of Michigan, recent graduate Ally Donovan, senior Ella Baranski, and senior Michael Weiss, who founded and run the Fleece & Thank You Student Organization at UofM.

Episode Notes

Imagine how it would feel when all the traditions and ceremonies of your high school senior year were halted in an instant. For Ally, Ella, and Michael, they were the "Class of '20" HS Seniors who had their lives turned upside down with the onset of the pandemic. Fast forward to today, as graduates and soon-to-be-graduates, is it possible they actually found something to be grateful for among the change and uncertainty? Find out here!