Grateful Human

Imagination Fosters Hope: Ilinca Caluser, Founder of Crowns Against Cancer

Episode Summary

"Imagination fosters hope." Take a leap into the magical world of princesses, superheroes, and imagination as we talk with Crowns Against Cancer Co-Founder Ilinca Caluser about her journey starting a grassroots nonprofit that brings whimsical joy to kids in the hospital.

Episode Notes

For more information on the magical programs of Crowns Against Cancer, check them out at

In their words...


Crowns Against Cancer is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that started as a group of university students around Metro-Detroit, Michigan. Since then, we have branched to serve pediatric patients and special needs populations all throughout Michigan. We are committed to bringing smiles and magic through princess, superhero, and other fairy-tale character visits.

How Crowns Against Cancer was founded: 

Our founders were having tea one day, when our president Ilinca briefly mentioned the idea to vice-president, Ria. They both LOVED princesses growing up and the magic surrounding their stories. Both of them have always been very passionate about helping and giving back to the community, especially the pediatric community, and the idea for character visits popped into their heads. "The idea itself isn't a novel one, but we wanted to make the organization accessible to anyone who had a passion and commitment to help bring magic and smiles to sick and ailing children. 

The hospitals can often be a very scary place for many children and having the cheerful, magical presence of their favorite princesses and fairy-tale characters can be such a comfort to them at a time when they should be able to have fun and enjoy their childhood. Through our visits, we are committed to making each and every child feel special, and do what we can to give them a piece of their childhood back," they said.

While we initially (and still) are primarily focused on the pediatric cancer community, we also visit diverse cases in the hospitals and we are branching out to include various other communities including special needs.